Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Monday, 24 April 2023

remembrance of Iceland



2006 [ paper photographs ]






meadow / tiny flower
«Plato talks about the good, the truth and the beautiful. But the
key concept is "beautiful". Because good is abstract, truth is
abstract, but beauty is felt, perceived, with the senses, as music
as painting, what ever it is [...]» —Terence McKenna



Sunday, 23 April 2023

Thursday, 20 April 2023

along the river



woods / big stones / grey-green / dusty leaves / muddy dips 




 woods and the water / inside-out



It was a large room.
Full of people.
All kinds.
And they had all arrived at the same buidling at more or less the same time.
And they were all free.
And they were all asking themselves the same question:
What is behind that curtain?
You were born.
And so you're free.
So happy birthday.
[Laurie Anderson]

a sweet thing [& the making]
yellow-green along the path
looking up / from the ground / sky